Sabrina in the Spotlight!

Sabrina joined the MC Equestrian team in May 2020. She is a vibrant, capable and adaptable team member with a calm and sunny personality.

What led you to start your job at MC Equestrian?

I moved my horse Kiwi over to agist with Dee at MC Equestrian. I then started volunteering around the stables. Dee then moved me into paid work and in December 2020 I progressed to Administration Manager.


What does a typical day involve for you?

My days at MC Equestrian are extremely varied. I do all the general administration, phones, emails, assisting clients, arranging riding lessons, liaising with agisters and leasers and overseeing the day to day running of the yard. I ride the school horses to keep them in shape. I work with physios, vets and farriers caring for the horses at MCEQ - basically anything and everything!

What do you like best about working at MC Equestrian?

I love the versatility of the job. Everyday I’m doing something totally different, so I never get bored! Being around the horses and learning more about them each day is also one of my favourite parts of the role. I also enjoy the interaction with the team and clients and being able to talk to people every day.

Tell us about your horse Kiwi

Kiwi is a 6 year of OTT Thoroughbred (off the track) who I have had for 1.5 years. He was very green when I first got him, but we have learned so much together. I’m hoping to be an eventer. Kiwi is super talented, with crazy potential and we’re just taking things slowly at this stage. We have recently started entering events together and it’s been fantastic. Kiwi is sweet and affectionate, a little anxious at times but always willing to give things a try!

Tell us about one of your favourite horse adventures?

I have done some amazing horse rides in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Truly spectacular, gorgeous scenery, with fabulous horses. We did some super fun, thrilling rides while I was there. Including down a 50m sand dune and galloping through canyons. An incredible holiday!

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Farewell Dusty - you will be dearly missed! RIP


Jimmy the veteran pony