Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Find the answers to your frequently asked questions about horse riding lessons before your visit to MC Equestrian Riding School in Terrey Hills.
How do I make a booking?
Select the Book Now red button on any page. You will be redirected to our booking platform. Here you will be asked to register as a user (parent) then name your rider. (There is also a log in function on this page for those that have registered in the past). For new users, once you have registered you will need to wait for our team to activate your profile in our system before the lesson times and instructors will display to you matched to your ability and age etc. This is usually done within a few hours.
What do I do if it’s raining?
Lessons continue regardless of weather. Our indoor arena is covered for your riding pleasure, making it possible to continue lessons no matter the weather. In case of lightning or an electrical storm contact the office.
Cancellation Policy
Click to view our Cancellation Policy.
Do I need my own helmet?
No, we have a limited number of helmets you can use during your lesson. Once you commit to regular lessons it’s wise to invest in one of your own.
What do I wear to my lesson?
Comfortable full-length leggings, jeans or tight fitting pants or jodhpurs are ideal, with layers on top eg. a t-shirt and long sleeved top or jacket.
What footwear do I need?
Covered shoes with a small heel or boots are essential. We have a very limited number of boots available (not in all sizes) to borrow if need be. So try to arrange your own if possible.
Are there age or weight restrictions?
At MC Equestrian Riding School, we cater for children to adults aged 3 to 90! With a maximum weight of 75 kg.
How do I book a private jump lesson?
If you are wanting to book a private jump lesson, and need exclusive use of the indoor jump arena you’ll now need to follow these instructions click here
I’ve registered as a user and rider but no lessons are showing to book?
There are three possible reasons for this:
1. You have not be graded yet. Very likely if you have only just registered. Riders need to be graded in our system before you can make a booking. Our coaches specialise in various abilities (beginner to advanced) & disciplines (jumping or dressage). Once you have been graded (based on your answers in the registration form) available lessons & instructors will become available to you.
2. There could be an accidental error entered in the height/weight/age details of the rider. Perhaps you added an extra digit in the weight field, thus no horses would be available to carry the unrealistic weight of the rider. Review your answers in our booking platform under your dashboard in “Manage Riders” menu.
3. There may not be any suitable instructors, coaches or horses available to match your riding ability on that day.
How do I book Holiday Camps?
Click Book Now (You will be redirected to our booking platform) You need to register as a user and create an account (or log in if you already have an account) and nominate a rider to be able to book a Holiday Camp. Wait for our team to grade you in our system according to information on your registration form (usually within few hours). Once graded, all the Holiday Camp options available to suit your ability will be displayed for you to make your booking. Find the School Holiday Camp date of your choice, select your preferred camp. Then choose Add to Basket. Go to Basket then go to Checkout and Make Payment. Once you have done this, you will receive a Booking Confirmation and an email advising the next steps.
Where do I park?
From the 21 Aug 2023, There is limited parking outside 101 Booralie Rd. Please be mindful to park in a way that does not driveways or impact the road. If the carpark is full, please find street parking on a nearby side street such as along Kallaroo Road.
How do I book a Pony Party?
Click Book Now (You will be redirected to our booking platform) You need to register as a user and create an account (or log in if you already have an account) and nominate a rider to be able to book a Pony Party. Parties are only available on Sundays and the availability will then show. Find the Sunday of your choice, select the party date and time. Then choose Add to Basket. Go to Basket then go to Checkout and Make Payment. Once you have done this, you will receive a Booking Confirmation and an email advising the next steps.
How do I book a Preschool Lesson or Pony Ride?
Bookings are made through a link to our booking platform. To book your Pony Ride click Book Now below. (You will be redirected to our booking platform)The parent (or adult) will need to register as a user and create an account (or log in if you already have an account) then add your rider to be able to book a Pony Ride or Preschool Lesson.
Available Monday to Friday during school terms only - available spots will be displayed in the booking screen.
Find the date of your choice, select your preferred time. Then choose Add to Basket. Go to Basket then go to Checkout and Make Payment.
Once you have done this, you will receive a Booking Confirmation and an email advising the next steps.
How do I book a group lesson?
Build your own groups and Private Learn to Ride for Two need to be added manually to our booking platform to suit your times etc. Login and create an account as above, add your rider, then call our team.
For Group Jump lessons, you won’t be able to make a booking until you’ve been assessed in a private lesson by a coach or instructor. Only then will you be able to book into a group lesson with riders of a similar ability and age group.