Our History
Dee McVicker has been a passionate horse rider since she was a child. Trained and educated in the UK, Dee started managing riding schools many years ago when she moved to Australia. Her dream was to pass on her extensive knowledge and love of horses to others to enable them to one day own their own horse. In 2019 she moved to Sand Dancing at 90 Booralie Rd, Terrey Hills, just north of the Sydney CBD and MC Equestrian Riding School began. With the aim of teaching children and adults horsemanship skills and perfecting their horse riding abilities in order to progress to leasing their own horses then moving into horse ownership.
In 2023 our lease ended and we moved to our new and current premises 101 Borralie Rd, Terry Hills.
All our riding school horses are half-leased, ensuring they stay happy and healthy and many students also agist their own horses with us. Our lessee student program allows them to ride regularly during the week and travel together under coach supervision to competitions. They learn long-term horse management and safety skills during the program. With more time in the saddle they vastly improve their horse riding skills.
Anyone with the time and inclination is more than welcome to join our horsey community! Everyone pitches in maintaining the property, taking care of the horses and learning how a stable is managed. Whilst adults commiserate over commutes and cook snags for our sausage sizzles. A few weekends a month, we all venture out to some local competitions, training days or Pony Club. Check out our Facebook page for updates from our latest outings!
Now it’s time to take that next step and book a horse riding lesson with us!