Katelle is Retiring

Some of you may have already noticed that Katelle, our beloved superstar jumping pony, has gone into retirement. Katelle aged 25, joined the riding school in Feb 2018. He has been well-loved by all. He has helped many children and adults improve their riding skills over the years. He was a super star jumper, reaching heights of 1.20m in his prime. He has been described as very patient, sweet, a joy to ride and would try anything asked of him.

In his retirement Katelle has gone back to the owners whom MCEQ bought him from just over 3 years ago. He will be an Equine Assisted Learning horse, working with adults and children, both abled and disabled, helping them with their communication skills and improving their self-esteem. He has currently just gone off to a 2-month spell to rest and rejuvenate. He will be missed by many and is doing a wonderful job in his newly found role, helping many people in need.


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Dee McVicker - EA Coach of the Month!