Amber in the Spotlight!

The always cheerful and much-loved coach Amber joined the MCEQ team in 2018. She was one of the first students at the riding school when Dee opened her business.

Amber is a huge favourite with the kids. Specialising in beginner lessons & teaching children, she is our Pony Party queen, with her easy going nature and sense of humour. It is no surprise she is a big favourite among the little ones.  She’s a lady with many talents having recently completed her BA in Medical Science. Amber is also an avid traveller, she spent last years in a Europe summer and has recently returned from a trip to Malaysia & Vietnam.

What led you to start your job at MC Equestrian?

I met Dee through another riding school, where she was my coach. I started working for MC Equestrian as a stable hand soon after that. I have always loved working with people / children in teaching roles, so when Dee asked me if I wanted to be a coach, I jumped at the opportunity. Now I'm going on 4 years of coaching, and I've loved every minute of it!

What does your typical day at MC Equestrian involve?

A typical day at MC for me involves a bunch of different jobs - from walking horses to and from the paddocks, teaching lessons, organising tack and helping keep our horses in tip-top shape! During the school holidays, I often run the kids camps, which are always super fun.

Tell us what you like best about working for MC Equestrian Riding School?

Being a coach at MC is such a rewarding job. I am so proud to be part of a wonderful, supportive team, and to have the privilege of working with the best school horses around! Getting to pass on my knowledge and passion to newer riders is so fulfilling. When I see the kids get so excited about horse riding, it makes me remember back to when I first started, and how excited I was. I love being able to help riders find their own passion for riding, and achieve their goals as they improve in each lesson. 

Tell us about a cheeky horse at MCEQ?

Laddie is definitely one of the cheekiest ponies at MC - he always follows me around the arena / paddock, and if you're lucky, he'll give you a big smile! I also recently found out that our newest horse Marvin adores kisses - he keeps putting his head on my shoulder for some love while I'm working in his paddock!

Do you have any horses of your own?

This past year, I have been doing a lot of travelling, which meant I was unable to own a horse of my own. However, I have seen all our amazing school horses come into the school from day 1, so they are all just as special to me as my own horse would be. I've been lucky enough to lease a few horses in the past - I loved riding this spunky OTTB mare called Laney when I was younger. We did some jumping and dressage together, and I took her out to a few pony club days too. She was gorgeous and always loved a cuddle! 

Tell us about a favourite horse adventure you have been on?

I did a week-long horse camp in the Southern Highlands of NSW when I was 18. It was such a full-on week of horsey activities - we did cross country, jumping, trail rides, mounted games, and even got to swim with the horses! It was a lot of fun. 

Click to learn more about Our Team or Our Horses!


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